
Going on hiatus - NM Tea Co is awesome.

So it's Friday and I still haven't done a tea post... Still really busy!

Uhm, New Mexico Tea Company is awesome. More to come.

I am going to take a break but plan on coming back in a few weeks.  When I come back it will be worth the wait, I already have some tea reviews in the works (A fairly large order from New Mexico Tea Company besides others).
I will also start some gardening posts, and if I have any luck some fishing posts.
Watch this spot, seeya in a couple weeks!

1 comment:

  1. ies and temperature of the fire willChina Purple Clay Teapot also make the chemical changes of the body different and present different textures and hue.
    The purple, red and green base muds of purple, red and green are colored. The reason why there are different color effects is that there is a thick purple color, a purple color, and a yellow color. It is due to refining, burning, etc. ArtifYixing Purple Clay Teapot Seticial differPurple Clay Teapot With Infuserence
    The azure mud, pear skin mHandmade Ceramic Teapotud, light red mud, light yellow mud, honey mud, etc. recorded in the classics, after burning, are liver color, frozen pearCheap Ceramic Teapots color, pine color, bean color, ochre, etc. Derivation of base mud under congenital geological genesis in different producing areas
    Duan Mu is a mixture of purple mud and star-shaped green mud. It can not be separated after the mud is formed.
    The teapots produced before 1957 are mostly single or mixed ore purple sand mud. The color is the burning color of one or several kinds of ore purple sand mud. No matter the high, medium and low grade pots, the surface will haAuthentic Purple Clay Teapotve black. The sm
